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Back to School with COVID-19

father and daughter reading at home

This school year is sure to look different. If your child will be home and learning online, you may experience even more challenges than normal. This year will require new schedules, new routines, and a new way of learning. Here are some tips and tricks to help navigate the changes and help your kids succeed:

  1. Stick to a Routine: This will include waking up and having breakfast at the normal time, followed by breaking down learning and reading time along with physical activity. Schedule time for a healthy lunch (please check your school resources as many schools are still providing take-home lunches if needed). Set up a designated work area where they will not be distracted.

  2. Be Flexible: Routines and schedules are important, but this year more than ever it is important to be flexible when it comes to learning time. Find out when each teacher has their office hours so you can try and plan your days accordingly while they are available.

  3. Stay Organized: Keep a place where your kids can organize their books and school supplies. Additionally, have them organize their online files with folders for each subject. Have your family create “To-Do” lists for the day or week and prioritize each task by urgency and due dates. Keep a list of resources available for yourself and/or your kids for when you are needing some answers, this could include school contacts, the library, and online resources.

  4. Stay Active: It is important for all children to get some physical activity throughout the day. Some examples include playing a game out in the yard, going on a walk, a family bike ride, or find some fun exercise videos on YouTube for your child to do in the house. This will help everyone from feeling “stir-crazy” and stimulate their mind and body. If you have young kids, pencil in more activity or break times throughout more of the day.

  5. Stay Positive: Your children will feed off your attitude and may mirror your expressions. It is important to stay positive as everyone is trying to navigate this new school year. Limit the amount of news intake, reach out to family and friends virtually, contact your teachers or school officials when you have questions, and try to view this as quality time as a family you may never have experienced without the circumstances.

The coronavirus has impacted everyone, but it may create additional challenges for some people who have learning differences or disabilities. If your child falls under that category, please seek additional resources on how to help them cope with these changes. You can find additional information here.

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